Child Rapist Faces a Five-Year Prison Sentence
The court in the east of the capital, Sana’a, sentenced two brothers to prison after they were convicted of raping a ten-year-old girl. The ruling ruled that both (H.S.) and his younger brother ...

The court in the east of the capital, Sana’a, sentenced two brothers to prison after they were convicted of raping a ten-year-old girl. The ruling ruled that both (H.S.) and his younger brother ...
تدين منظمة سياج لحماية الطفولة بشدة تهديد ممثلها بمحافظة الضالع الزميل الصحافي والناشط الحقوقي صالح المنصوب ...
Seyaj requests that the Governor of Ibb, the Minister of Interior, and the Minister of Education take prompt, decisive action to protect the lives and safety of more than 800 children who are being de...
Today, the Taiz Governorate Condolence Court handed down a five-year prison sentence with enforcement against Moaz Sadiq, as well as one million riyals to the victim and two hundred thousand riyals in...
Film “Tragic Wedding“: Produced by Seyaj Organization 2012 on the problem of marrying young girls in Yemen – Supported by MEPI...
Seyaj calls on the Minister of Interior and the Governor of Shabwa to intervene urgently to free a kidnapped child in Shabwa Governorate to force his tribe to pay off a financial debt of twenty years....
The parents of two children (Nemah Abdullah Al-Shuwaiter, 13 years old, and Hafez Mansour Hameed Al-Hasani, 10 years old) committed themselves in writing not to enforce the marriage until the two chil...
مقدمة: ينخرط القاصرون اليمنيون في الصراعات المسلحة لأداء مهام قتالية مباشرة أو لوجستية غير مدركين لعواقب ذلك ...
أشادت وزيرة حقوق الإنسان في اليمن حورية مشهور بما تقوم به منظمة سياج كمنظمة وطنية غير حكومية متخصصة في رصد وتو...
ترحب منظمة سياج لحماية الطفولة بالقرار التاريخي للأخ رئيس الجمهورية اليمنية المشير عبدربه منصور هادي بمنع تج...