Children and armed conflict-2009


Children and armed conflict-2009
  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 4:26 am

Yemen: An All-Out War on Education

The war in Yemen has had the greatest impact on primary and secondary education. Since 2014, the fighting has engulfed nearly all Yemeni governorates, and education has been exposed to extensive damag...

Yemen: An All-Out War on EducationYemen: An All-Out War on Education
  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 12:06 am

Yemen’s Ongoing Conflict and Loyalist National and Security Institutions Are Behind the Rise in Violence Against Children and Criminal Impunity in the Country.

Seyaj warned of the growth rates of domestic abuse and grave violations of international law against children in light of the seven-year-long war, amid a lack of justice or recourse for the victims. I...

Yemen’s Ongoing Conflict and Loyalist National and Security Institutions Are Behind the Rise in Violence Against Children and Criminal Impunity in the Country.Yemen’s Ongoing Conflict and Loyalist National and Security Institutions Are Behind the Rise in Violence Against Children and Criminal Impunity in the Country.
  • 3 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:31 pm
Yemeni Child Gets Tried for Inciting Scandal; Seyaj Calls for Her Rescue

Seyaj calls on the President of the Court of Appeal of Hajjah Governorate to intervene swiftly and decisively to rescue and provide justice to a 12-year-old (M.A.), a victim of kidnapping. She is curr...

  • 6 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 12:36 am

Seyaj Succeeds in Freezing the Marriage of Two Children in Sana’a for 5 Years

The parents of two children (Nemah Abdullah Al-Shuwaiter, 13 years old, and Hafez Mansour Hameed Al-Hasani, 10 years old) committed themselves in writing not to enforce the marriage until the two chil...

Seyaj Succeeds in Freezing the Marriage of Two Children in Sana'a for 5 YearsSeyaj Succeeds in Freezing the Marriage of Two Children in Sana'a for 5 Years
  • 11 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 2:26 pm

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