The court in the east of the capital, Sana’a, sentenced two brothers to prison after they were convicted of raping a ten-year-old girl. The ruling ruled that both (H.S.) and his younger brother (S.S.) be imprisoned for five years, and fined more than ten million riyals as compensation to the victim.

Seya’s lawyer, Akram Noman, who provided legal aid to the victim, thanked both the court’s criminal judge, Judge Mustafa Al-Shawafi, and the prosecutor investigating the case, Mr. Aref Hizam.

In a separate matter, the Western Taiz Court of First Instance presided over by Judge Fawad Hajeb, sentenced a suspect to three years in jail after finding him guilty of swindling a child. The court also mandated the culprit, (A.S.), pay 2.1 million riyals to cover the child’s legal representation and an additional fifteen thousand riyals in reparations.

The final verdict came as a result of the joint judicial assistance of lawyer Ali Al-Sarari, a Seyaj delegate in the governorate, and lawyer Elham Al-Maqtari from the Yemeni Women’s Union.

Child Rapist Faces a Five-Year Prison Sentence
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