Tag Archives: log

Seyaj: CSOs in Marib Governorate Lack Safeguarding Policies.

A recent evaluation revealed that humanitarian institutions lack policies and procedures that protect their members and beneficiaries of their services from harm while providing humanitarian aid.Accor...

  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:54 pm
Safeguarding policy

Safeguarding policy for SEYAJ -AR...

  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 6:13 pm

Profile -SEYAJ 2023-EN


  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:46 pm

Stopping war, achieving justice and the rule of law so as to stability in Yemen and the region

Seyaj Head at meeting with the Dutch Ambassador

According to Seyaj’s leader, Ahmed Al-Qorashi, ending the cycle of violence and building enduring peace are the only solutions to relieve the suffering of Yemenis, particularly fragile and vulne...

Stopping war, achieving justice and the rule of law so as to stability in Yemen and the regionStopping war, achieving justice and the rule of law so as to stability in Yemen and the region
  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:13 pm

 In Yemen, a War Rages Against Childhood.

Since the Ansar Allah group, also known as the Houthis, gained control of Yemen’s capital, Sana’a, on September 21, 2014, mechanisms and institutions for the protection and care of childre...

 In Yemen, a War Rages Against Childhood. In Yemen, a War Rages Against Childhood. In Yemen, a War Rages Against Childhood. In Yemen, a War Rages Against Childhood.
  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 1:51 pm

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