Seyaj: CSOs in Marib Governorate Lack Safeguarding Policies.

A recent evaluation revealed that humanitarian institutions lack policies and procedures that protect their members and beneficiaries of their services from harm while providing humanitarian aid.Accor...

  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:54 pm

Yemeni Court Orders the Death Penalty for a Child in Zinjibar, Abyan Governorate

مناشدة عاجلة

Seyaj appeals to both the President of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Public Prosecutor of the Republic to urgently address the death sentence of a 15-year-old child. The organization said that ...

Yemeni Court Orders the Death Penalty for a Child in Zinjibar, Abyan Governorate
  • 2 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 9:54 pm

Mines Kill or Injure More Than 150 Civilians, Most of Whom Are Children, in a Month

Since the beginning of January 2022, 68 Yemeni civilians have been killed and 84 others, predominantly children and women, have been injured in numerous Yemeni governorates, according to the Yemeni La...

Mines Kill or Injure More Than 150 Civilians, Most of Whom Are Children, in a Month
  • 3 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 1:38 am

Yemen’s Ongoing Conflict and Loyalist National and Security Institutions Are Behind the Rise in Violence Against Children and Criminal Impunity in the Country.

Seyaj warned of the growth rates of domestic abuse and grave violations of international law against children in light of the seven-year-long war, amid a lack of justice or recourse for the victims. I...

Yemen’s Ongoing Conflict and Loyalist National and Security Institutions Are Behind the Rise in Violence Against Children and Criminal Impunity in the Country.Yemen’s Ongoing Conflict and Loyalist National and Security Institutions Are Behind the Rise in Violence Against Children and Criminal Impunity in the Country.
  • 3 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 10:31 pm

Yemeni Court Annuls the Marriage Contract of a Child to a Sixty-Year-Old Man

Based on a petition from Seyaj, the Wessab Al-Aali Court of First Instance in Dhamar Governorate decided today to dissolve the marriage between the ten-year-old girl, Saud Yahya Muhammad, and her sixt...

Yemeni Court Annuls the Marriage Contract of a Child to a Sixty-Year-Old Man
  • 5 years مضت
  • آخر تعديل: At 11:39 pm

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