Sana’a – April 15, 2015 

Seyaj Organization for Child Protection warns of a humanitarian catastrophe experienced by more than 5 million Yemeni children, including about a million infants, as a result of the war in Yemen.

Due to the complete disruption of food, medication, and fuel deliveries to Yemen for approximately three weeks, the humanitarian situation for the majority of Yemenis has reached deadly proportions. Humanitarian aid has been halted, the water and electricity sectors have been shut off, and air and sea transportation has been restricted.

We appeal to the government of President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi, the warring nations, and the international community to hasten the adoption of workable policies and procedures to guarantee the supply of fuel, food, and medical aid to Yemen, as humanitarian aid alone will not suffice as the situation deteriorates.

Food and medical provisions should be promptly delivered to the most impacted places, especially to vulnerable children.

The information of the Monitoring and Protection Center of the Seyaj organization indicates that

more than three million children from Sana’a, Aden, Saada, Taiz, Al-Hodeidah, Lahj, Ibb, Ataq, and Haradh live in harsh conditions as a result of water and electricity cuts and the scarcity of food and medical supplies.

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