Preventive protection from serious crimes

One of Seyaj’s main goals is to accomplish preventative protection from major crimes through societal economic empowerment, raising awareness of children’s rights, and offering protection and advocacy channels. This way, all members of society, not only governmental and non-governmental organizations, can participate.

Through its work in monitoring, protection, and advocacy during the period from 2008 to 2015, Seyaj concluded that it is necessary to work on the following axes to grant children access to their basic rights:

  • Economic empowerment of the poorest households to assist them in self-recovery and improving their standard of life, particularly families led by women who have lost their breadwinner or source of livelihood as a result of the conflict. Poverty and destitution are among the most hostile environments for child development.
  • Educating local communities and increasing their participation in child protection.
  • Building the capacities of Yemeni non-governmental associations and organizations specialized in the protection and development of local communities, especially those working in rural areas and secondary cities. This will be done through the institutional building and development of financial and administrative systems, regulations, and policies, preparing and marketing projects, successful management of projects, writing reports, networking, and collaboration.